What We Do
First Visit
February 2023
Inaugural visit to form the network

In February of 2023, Rosi Smith visited Granma to start working on the network and its activities. The first step was to form a representative steering group, with academics, professionals and disabled people’s organisations. This group met to discuss the project’s aims and to modify the planned programme in line with the priorities of disabled people in Granma, which led to placing more emphasis and funding into exchange visits and practical collaborations, and less into formal academic events.
She then visited the three municipalities involved in the network – Manzanillo, Bartolomé Masó and Bayamo – to meet key actors, share the project and hear their contributions and suggestions. This was really important for learning about how disabled people’s social, political, economic and cultural participation is structured in Cuba and what that means on the ground in Granma. Throughout the visit, those attending events also shared their cultural and artistic work – displaying their art and performing songs, music, poetry dance and magic.