A few words

About Us

Work Chronology

Stages of our project

We aim to bring together disabled people, their organisations, families, professionals and academics in Cuba and the UK. We want to learn from each other: sharing ideas and practice, collaborating on projects and working together to remove barriers to full and equal participation. We grew out of a 2023-24 Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) networking project and are now established as a permanent network, putting actors in contact with each other and sharing knowledge to make change

  • Stimulate debate and exchange.
  • Develop or extend collaborations.
  • Include non-academic communities in each phase.
  • Share knowledge interculturally.
  • Leading role for disabled people

Intended Achievements

  • A permanent collaboration network.
  • A practical legacy of collaborations.
  • A basis for future funding bids.
  • Training and conceptual development in both countries.

Our activities are decided, designed and facilitated by a steering group, representing key organisations in Granma and the UK.

Dra. Rosi Smith

Department of educational studies. Montfort University

Dr. Par Kumaraswami

Director of Centre for Research on Cuba. University of Nottingham

Dra. Sonali Shah

Department of health care. University of Nottingham.

Dr. Stephen Connolly

Autism Centre, Sheffield. Hallam University.

Want to make a difference?

Help us raise awareness about the importance of building a more inclusive society

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