Disabled people’s organisations

Cuban Association of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Logo de la Asociación Cubana de Personas con Discapacidad Intelectual

It is established in order to bring together people with intellectual disabilities, their legal representatives and/or their supports, permanent residents in the national territory with the aim of promoting the inclusive development of the former, participating and contributing together with State bodies. and Government. In the creation and implementation of instruments and mechanisms that include the design of public policies, programs and projects to guarantee the full exercise of the rights of this sector of society. In our country, attention to people with disabilities constitutes one of the pillars of social policy.

It is a social, non-governmental organization, with its own legal and economic personality, of national and permanent character. Founded on January 3, 1978, its fundamental objective is the training, organization and grouping of deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing people. Granma was created in 1987.
Among the most fundamental objectives is to fight for its members to integrate into the new Cuban society with equal rights and duties, conditions and opportunities, to promote among its members interest in study, work, love for the country, etc. achieve adequate use of their free time by increasing their participation in social, cultural, sports and recreational activities, raising and strengthening the cultural level, guiding them in their duties and rights as participants in the economic and social development of the country.

National Association of the Deaf of Cuba

Logo de la Asociación Nacional de Sordos de Cuba

Cuban Association of Limited Physical Motors

Logo de la Asociación Cubana de Limitados Físico Motor

The Cuban Association of  Limited Physical  Motors (ACLIFIM) was established on March 14, 1980 in accordance with Resolution 042, of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Cuba, filed on page No. 66, under the provisions of the Law No. 54. Its name arises as a logical result of the national and international treatment that was given at that time to people with some physical-motor disability, observing the terminology used by the United Nations in different mechanisms of International Law.
Its Mission: To group and represent people with physical and motor disabilities in Cuba, promotes and defends human rights, and the full and effective social inclusion of people with disabilities.
Vision: Social inclusion of all people with disabilities in Cuba, where human rights are respected and guaranteed and that the Association is a reference in the surveillance, articulation, promotion and defense of the rights of people with disabilities.

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